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Latest News
  • 28 November, 2023

    Year 11 Student, Gabrielle G's Exceptional Work Published in Boroondara Literary Awards Anthology

    Congratulations to Year 11 student, Gabrielle G, whose submission to the Boroondara Literary Awards was 'Highly Commended'. Gabrielle's exceptional writing in the Senior Category of the Boroondara Literary Awards Young Writers' Competition truly stood out. She crafted a captivating story for a Year 11 English SAC called 'Crafting Texts Task' during a Creative Writing unit of study. Her outsta...

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  • 24 November, 2023

    Spotlight on Siena Alumna: Professor Michelle Welsh (Class of 1983)

    Meet Professor Michelle Welsh (née Moylan), a distinguished Siena alumna (Class of 1983), currently serving as the Professor of Corporate Law and the Senior Deputy Dean at the Monash Business School. She is a leading expert in Corporate Law, passionately researching the nuances of public enforcement, the role of regulators and the profound impact of enforcement on corporate compliance. In addit...

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  • 20 November, 2023

    Year 8 Student, Kristen K's Call to Action: Free Hubs to Tackle Teen Depression Sweeps Youth Voice in Parliament

    Join us in giving a round of applause to the remarkable Year 8 student, Kristen K! Senator Jess Walsh recently brought to life Kristen's impactful speech in the Parliament of Victoria during Youth Voice in Parliament last week. Kristen's speech was a standout entry in the public speaking competition, Raise Your Voice, where participants were tasked with answering the thought-provoking question ...

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  • 16 November, 2023

    Antonella Rosati, Deputy Principal Wellbeing and Strategy, Earns Prestigious Spot on The Educator's Hot List 2023

    We warmly congratulate Antonella Rosati, Deputy Principal Wellbeing and Strategy, on being selected for The Educator’s Hot List for 2023. The Hot List identifies exemplary staff working in schools across Australia who have demonstrated expertise in their field by linking theory and practice, and who are shining examples of educational excellence in action. Antonella has a wealth of experience i...

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  • 15 November, 2023

    Year 12 Students Conclude 2023 VCAA Exams, Leaving a Lasting Legacy with Parting Gift to Kopanang Community

    Today marks the end of the 2023 VCAA Examination Period. Congratulations to all our Year 12 students who have now finished their exams! We wish you a wonderful time at your Graduation Ball tomorrow, and all the very best for your bright futures. We take this opportunity to thank the Class of 2023 for their parting gift to the Kopanang Community in South Africa. Funds raised by the cohort will g...

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  • 15 November, 2023

    Timor-Leste Alma Nuns Visit Year 8 Religious Education Students

    Our Year 8 Religious Education students hosted Jesuit Social Services representative, Paulie Stewart OAM, along with the Timor-Leste Alma Nuns, Sr Maria Profeta Do Santos and Sr Anastasia Muti. Drawing inspiration from the compassionate example set by Mother Teresa, these dedicated individuals shared their impactful work, which involves caring for abandoned and disabled children in Timor-Leste and...

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